Fifty - Fifty Competition

The 2023/24 Fifty - Fifty Competition

This is the ninth year in which we have had the Rotary Club of Sittingbourne Invicta Fifty – Fifty Competition where 50% the money raised is given in prize money and 50% is transferred to our charitable trust fund account to help many excellent Rotary Club supported causes.

Entry to the draw is open to Club Members and their families and the cost is £10 per share, please buy as many shares as you are able to, so we raise at least £1000 for charity and £1000 for prize money.

If you are a Club Member and wish to enter the draw please complete the Contact Us Form on this website providing your name and the number of shares you wish to purchase.

We thank those of you who are renewing for your continued support and thank new subscribers for joining our competition.

Rotary Club of Sittingbourne Invicta

Trust Fund - Registered Charity No. 1109875

Registered Address: If you wish to know details of the Promoter and Registered Address for this competition please complete the Contact Us Form on this website and we will send the information to you.

1. The competition will be known as “The Sittingbourne Invicta Rotary Club Fifty – Fifty Competition”.

2. It has been registered under The Gambling Act 2005 and will be operated to assist the charitable income of The Sittingbourne Invicta Rotary Club.

3. The administrators are the officers of Sittingbourne Invicta Rotary Club.

4. Membership is open to Sittingbourne Invicta Rotary Club members, their family, friends and acquaintances.

5. The competition will commence on 1st February 2023

6. Subscriptions are a minimum of £10 per share and payable at application. Club Members can apply by completing the Contact Us Form on this website indicating the number of shares they wish to purchase.  A list of applicants and share numbers will be published from time to time. Monies should be transferred to HSBC Sittingbourne Invicta Rotary Club sort code 40-42-04 account 51781456 with reference “Surname 5050”.

7. A member may take up more than one share subscription and a specific number / numbers for members will be allocated and notified in writing, which will be the acknowledgement of the receipt of subscription.

8. Shares – There is a minimum of 100 and a target of 200+ shares.

9. A special bank account has been opened with HSBC Sittingbourne Kent to hold cash separately from normal club funds.

10. 50% of the total funds raised in any one year will be distributed in prizes and The Club will retain the remainder after the deduction of any administrative expenses.

11. Draws will be made at the business meeting of The Sittingbourne Invicta Rotary Club in the months of April, July, October and January 2024. Prizes will be proportionate to the total revenue from subscriptions with three prizes drawn on four occasions during the year. The list of prize winners will be published in The Sittingbourne Invicta Rotary Club Minutes and newsletter. They will also appear on our club website. All winners will be notified by the Club.

12. The remaining funds will be transferred annually to our charitable trust fund account, which is held by CAF Bank Ltd., 25 Kings Hill Avenue, Kings Hill, West Malling, Kent ME19 4JQ.